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Research Library
Shelter improves feline lifesaving despite legal hurdles
Study “Playing the Cards You’re Dealt: Implementing Feline Lifesaving Programs and Practices Despite Restrictive Ordinance Provisions,”...
Microtargeted sterilization efforts reduce euthanasia rates while saving tax dollars
Study “Impact of a Local Government Funded Free Cat Sterilization Program for Owned and Semi-Owned Cats,” published in the journal...
Return-to-field: Municipal shelter sees sharp declines in feline intake/euthanasia after eight years
A recently published study details the impact of targeted trap-neuter-return on stray cat intake at Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS).
Population modeling demonstrates TNR’s potential to reduce free-roaming cat numbers
Computer modeling study compares lethal and non-lethal methods for managing free-roaming cats over 50-year period.
Study: High body condition scores, good overall health among exurban feral cats
Researchers trapped 101 free-roaming cats in Russellville, Arkansas, documenting FIV and FeLV rates of 12.7% and 16.7%, respectively.
Feeding free-roaming cats reduces their exposure to common parasite
Explores why cats living in residential areas are at much lower risk of becoming infected with, and transmitting, the T. gondii parasite.
Evidence challenges ‘conventional wisdom’ linking domestic cats to sea otter deaths
Studies suggest that parasites from wildlife, not from free-roaming domestic cats, are source of disease observed in California sea otters.
Feeding free-roaming cats reduces presumed interest in hunting wildlife
Study published in Conservation Biology concludes that regularly fed cats and dogs are significantly less likely to hunt and kill wildlife.
Public support for community cat management options: Guelph, Ontario
How residents of Guelph, Ontario, view community cats and methods for their management. In 2014–15 survey, 78% expressed support for TNR.
Public support for unowned cats and TNR: Ohio survey results
A 2007 survey of Ohio residents examined attitudes about, and interactions with, free-roaming cats in their neighborhoods.
Sterilization improves the overall health of free-roaming cats in urban study
Research published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine reveals that sterilization has "favorable" effects on free-roaming cat health.
The impact of ethics on community cat control preferences
Commentary published by Frontiers in Veterinary Science explores two ethical theories suggested to explain the increased popularity of TNR.
Little evidence that T. gondii parasite causes behavior changes in humans
With data from a longitudinal birth-cohort study, authors find little evidence of Toxoplasma gondii infection link to psychiatric disorders.
Cat health and welfare: Auckland, New Zealand stray vs. pet assessment
In pilot test of health-related welfare assessment scale, researchers find free-roaming cats “generally healthy” with or without caregivers.
Expectations vs. reality: The risk of rabies from cat bites and scratches
Dog incidents outnumber cat incidents in studies on the circumstances under which patients sought rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RPEP).
TNR results: Cat population reduced 78% on urban college campus
Results of a nine-year TNR program implemented by a university in Sydney, Australia. Researchers documented a 78% reduction in campus cats.
Do cats cause schizophrenia? Longitudinal study challenges previous findings
Results from a longitudinal study on the link between early-age cat ownership and psychotic symptoms (e.g. schizophrenia) in adolescence.
TNR results: Free-roaming cat numbers reduced in rural study
Study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association documents a 36% average cat colony size reduction after TNR.
Results of integrated TNR/RTF programs on shelter intake and killing
Shelters studied see dramatic reduction in feline intake and killing after implementing return-to-field (RTF) with trap-neuter-return (TNR).
TNR reduces cat numbers on Louisiana hospital campus in three-year study
Baton Rouge hospital sees 12% reduction in free-roaming cat population after switching from lethal removal to trap-neuter-return (TNR).
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